So, once again I'm behind! Life seems to have been on fast forward since the last post. A lot has happened and two holidays and a birthday as passed! So, Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy 4th Birthday to Celia!
John Paul's parents came in for trick-or-treat and stayed through Celia's birthday (Nov.4). I would post an image of Sam dressed up this year, but alas he ran off with his friends and I missed the photo opportunity! He did come home with a pillowcase full of candy, though. I think we are still eating it!

Celia with our neighbors, Hannah and Emma

Dragon girl and waiting to cross the street with her Oma.

Celia's requested a strawberry birthday cake with a dinosaur on top. So, we re-used the dino candles from last year's birthday cake and made a Parasauralopholus stencil (also request by Celia). She filled in the image with colorful sprinkles and it looked fantastic!