Feb 27, 2008
Snow Day

Feb 24, 2008
Happy Birthday!
For Johnny's dessert I tried a new carrot/pineapple cake with cream cheese icing recipe. It was mighty tasty. Samuel did the honors of presenting the flaming candles and serenading JP with the old faithful birthday tune. Happy Birthday, Johnny! We all love you!
Italian Night
Feb 23, 2008
Strummin' the six strings

Field Dancing

Feb 22, 2008

This year I got my first birthday card from my mom! How many adults can say that? Also, Meg surprised me on Valentine's Day; she sent beautiful flowers to my work. This photo shows one of the yellow lilies from those flowers. Thank you, Meg. I love you!
Feb 20, 2008
Celia's Baptism

Sam tells Knock Knock jokes

Last night Samuel's 4th grade class had a "Lighten Up!" performance that was hilarious! The students sang comedies and told jokes. This photo was part of their "Knock, Knock" song. We were surprised that Sam overcame his public speaking fear and truly entertained the audience! His artistic talents might cross over into acting, which thrills us to no end! We definitely need to find some acting courses so he can explore that option!
Feb 19, 2008
Bright eyes
My first blog

Welcome to our blog! This is a recent image of Samuel and Celia. This photo was taken by my friend, Becky, in Roanoke, VA. It was our first visit to her house and we had a blast. Samuel enjoyed the skate park while I enjoyed Becky's homemade granola and loads of red wine. John Paul and Celia were real troopers during the weekend long photo shoot! We love you, Tom and Becky!