Mar 31, 2008
Happy Easter!
Here is our family Easter photo. L to R: Morris holding Celia, Christine, me, Samuel, Ingrid, Ingeborg (Oma), Wulf, Bill (Opa), Yen (our exchange student from Hong Kong), Johnny, and Joee. Happy Easter!
Our little Easter Bunny certainly melted our hearts this Easter! None of us could help giggling at her cuteness. Maybe next year she will trade in her floppy ears for a chocolate bunny.
Our sweet Yen
Yen and her best friend Sam-Sam (at Enslow Middle School).
Samuel and Yen at Ritter Park (in front of the log cabin)
Samuel and Yen (and cannon)
On Easter
Family Portrait
Yen at our state's capital building, Charleston, WV.
Last week we had the honor of hosting an exchange student from Hong-Kong, Yen. The experience was one none of us will soon forget. Yen arrived Thursday and stayed for 9 days. During her stay, we visited our state capital, enjoyed a wedding, tried our hand at bowling, shopped until we nearly dropped, gobbled traditional american burgers and pizza, dunked warm home-made chocolate chip cookies in milk, fell asleep on the couch watching Harry Potter movies, compared schools, played duck, duck, goose and other children's games, and celebrated Easter, including sunrise church service, breakfast, hunting eggs, eating massive amounts of chocolate, opening baskets from the "Bunny" and having traditional Easter dinner. Needless to say, we were busy little bees. Our family learned so much from Yen and we all were very sad to see her leave.
Yen, you are so beautiful, intelligent, and respectful! We miss you and want you to know that you will always have a bedroom in America and a family waiting to take care of you! We love you!
Mar 16, 2008
Mam and Celia
It is so important that my parents be involved in both Sam and Celia's lives, so we try to visit them as often as we can. Mom is in poor health, so we cherish every moment together. In December of 2006, my mom had another heart attack (her 7th!) and was hospitalized. She had to have three stints replaced and while she was in the heart unit recovering, she had a major stroke, which affected the left side of her body. She now shakes and has difficulty walking. This is heartbreaking for me to witness, for I wish so much that she would be healthy. So, along with her diabetes and blindness, congestive heart failure, and stroke, she fights everyday for "feel good" moments and her two grandchildren certainly offer that much! I am so thankful for every visit we can share. I love you, Mom!
Mar 8, 2008
where's my home?
This has to be one of the saddest photos I've taken! The city has finally decided to remove a dead tree that is in front of our neighbor's house. While the neighbors are excited to park their car where dead limbs will no longer fall, this poor squirrel and it's family raged the entire time the city workers were doing their job. Someday the workers will return to "finish" it off and I will certainly miss my little friend.
Master of Disaster
Well, he finally did it! Johnny treated himself to a 2003 Fender Telecaster and amplifier. I have heard nothing but electric chords and vibrations ever since. Sam slobbers when he sees it and begs to play it. I guess we are getting a family band together. For those of you that know me, you'll be happy to hear that I'm not going to be lead singer. I've decided to do back-up vocals with Celia. I think we'll be a great duet!
Mar 4, 2008
Celia is 4 months!
Our Celie-bug is four months old today! She is really developing her engaging personality. Her amusing giggles and baby sounds are pure entertainment! She is grabbing her legs and has spotted her little pigs, even though she hasn't quite figured out how to reach them! She loves to stand tall and adores kisses, which we have no problem giving and her little eyes have that incredible innocent twinkle that, I'm certain, would melt the coldest of hearts.
Spring is peeking
Yesterday we were frolicking in 74 degree weather! I hadn't even noticed these sweet little crocuses in our back yard, which looked like smiling friends in the sun. Spring can't come soon enough for me! My daffodils and tulips are doing their dance of rebirth and it won't be long before we are also enjoying the roses and peonies. Warm weather does our souls good!