Yen and her best friend Sam-Sam (at Enslow Middle School).

Samuel and Yen at Ritter Park (in front of the log cabin)

Samuel and Yen (and cannon)

On Easter

Family Portrait

Yen at our state's capital building, Charleston, WV.
Last week we had the honor of hosting an exchange student from Hong-Kong, Yen. The experience was one none of us will soon forget. Yen arrived Thursday and stayed for 9 days. During her stay, we visited our state capital, enjoyed a wedding, tried our hand at bowling, shopped until we nearly dropped, gobbled traditional american burgers and pizza, dunked warm home-made chocolate chip cookies in milk, fell asleep on the couch watching Harry Potter movies, compared schools, played duck, duck, goose and other children's games, and celebrated Easter, including sunrise church service, breakfast, hunting eggs, eating massive amounts of chocolate, opening baskets from the "Bunny" and having traditional Easter dinner. Needless to say, we were busy little bees. Our family learned so much from Yen and we all were very sad to see her leave.
Yen, you are so beautiful, intelligent, and respectful! We miss you and want you to know that you will always have a bedroom in America and a family waiting to take care of you! We love you!