I finally have created my first true "through the viewfinder" photo and I am psyched (how's that for an 80's word?)! Here's the deal. I bought a Kodak Duaflex camera (on EBAY) and John Paul helped me construct a box contraption that connects the Duaflex and my Canon. I look through my Canon lens, focusing through the contraption, into the Kodak viewfinder; it certainly is a balancing act and is quite a lot of work for just one shot, but I LOVE it. I'm afraid that I won't sleep well tonight waiting for daylight, because as you can tell in this shot the tungsten lights make the image a bit too yellow. I see a whole new series of photos in my future!
For more TTV photos, check out my artwork blog.
May 26, 2008
May 25, 2008
Memorial Weekend
As I was growing up, Memorial weekend marked the time to gather whatever flowers were blooming in our yard and visit the cemetery. I remember reading names of so many individuals that I did not know, while my parents paid their respect. Now that I'm older, I continue the cemetery visitation with fresh cut flowers, but now those names on the tombstones are loved ones that I miss dearly. So, this blog is dedicated to my family and friends whom I see in the blessing of remembrance: Grannie, when I see a simple bobbie pin; Mr. Mitchell, when I hear "Parlez-vous Francais?"; Mrs. Mitchell, when I see little hugging bears and french braids; Damon, when I think of little blue eyed boys; and John, when I see woolen socks pulled up all the way and the Long Branch sign. Also, I think of two gals that I didn't know but love just the same: Martina, because I like a little G-n-R from time to time, and Ashley, because I can eat my weight in black olives, too. All my love~
This photo of my sister-in-law,Ingrid, and my niece, Joee, makes my heart smile. I can hardly believe that my little niece is growing into a young lady!
I walked outside today, before all of the family arrived, and the yard was so peaceful. No one was there to enjoy the beauty of the roses, feel the breeze, or watch the insects in the sun. Still, it was there just the same, somehow romantic and somewhat mournful. I hope I captured the essence.
May 23, 2008
At the present, Huntington, WV is experiencing a huge cicada infestation; these "17 year cicadas" are natural aerators that have swarmed our backyard (the photos above don't really reveal the magnitude of their presence!). Apparently, I don't recall their last exit seventeen years ago because I have become obsessed with the little ghostly larva and spend every evening marveling their slow moving existence. If you have never seen these beasts emerging from their delicate exoskeletons, then you are truly missing a wonderful process. I know it must sound insane that I have fallen for these monsters; it is just one of my many peculiar tendencies (and love for that which is eerie and uncommon)!
p.s. John Paul once made cicada cookies (I'm assuming 17 years ago!). He certainly must have added chocolate chips for some type of sweetness! Would anyone like the recipe? mmmmmm.
May 19, 2008
8 more miles to Louisville....
finally together
just a little kiss for my bro
sam and grandpa john
my beeeautiful aunt lisa
sam and his uncle jonny
warming our toes by the fire
This past weekend was so much fun! John Paul and I packed the kids and headed to Louisville for a big ole "family reunion." The Guttermans met the Whites. Mother Nature was smiling her sunny face on us after her many days of hard rain. It is so UNBELIEVABLE to live and learn so much!
May 12, 2008
Sunny Day
Okay, so I know I'm putting three photos on this post, but I just can't help it! This day was so sunny, breezy and just quite dreamy. Celia was so comfy in her little bouncer and I had my third eye (my canon) capturing the moments. Her little foot, sweet yawn and sleepy face just made my day. Enjoy and happy, sunny day to you.
May 4, 2008
A little love, a whole lotta love
Today Celia is 6 months old! It surely has been a happy 6 months. For the occasion, we got the antique high chair, that was gifted to us, out of the garage, cleaned it, and propped up our little Celie-bug. I think she appreciated her new seat, for she banged on the tray with her little rattle and squealed like a little piggy. She's still quite small for its size, but a growing gal needs the room to spread those little wings! Happy Day!
May 2, 2008
First Touch
I can hardly believe that it's May! This spring has flown by. Maybe it's because I've spent every single day watching my little baby grow. She will be 6 months old in just two days and honestly I know how fast time flies, but it still seems, somehow, impossible. She is such a joy and it seems that she loves her life. She is nearly always happy, which of course makes us smile from the inside out. On this particular day, Celia peacefully enjoyed the warm weather and the touch of fresh spring grass, both on her face in and in her hands. While Samuel ran around the yard chasing the soccer ball, John Paul mowed the grass, and Celia watched the tree branches sway in the breeze. I just soaked it all in, and truly felt alive.