Jun 22, 2008

Celia's new found attraction

Celia has discovered that she likes to make music. She will wiggle around and squeal until Johnny gets out the git-fiddle; then she'll go to town on the thing. She really watches JP play the chords and studies his strumming. Our nephew has a little guitar that will soon be Celia's. So watch out, we may have the next Lucinda in our house!

Jun 17, 2008

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!  This year John Paul enjoyed Father's Day as his first with little Celia and his fourth as Sam's step-father. Sam left for Camp Luther early in the morning and Johnny spent the rest of the day with family, including my dad, and his father, Bill. JP and Bill spent Saturday morning preparing a pork shoulder that smoked for 10 hours then on Sunday they grilled steaks together. GRRRRRR, how manly!  Both turned out to be scrumptious. Johnny, you are a sweet, patient, and hilarious person who is a dandy father and an exceptional husband.  I love you!  

Jun 11, 2008

oops, Mother's Day.

(L to R: Skylar, Wulf, Celia, Joee, Martina, and Samuel)

So, I was browsing through my photo archives this morning and realized that I never posted any of the photos from Mother's Day. So, here are a few. Celia in the afternoon light, all of Oma and Opa's grandchildren, and Johnny with his mother (she hates photos where she is wearing her glasses, but I think they are quite lovely.). We had a delightful meal at JP's sister Kristina's house. As I remember, it was fairly chilly this year because Mother's Day was in April. 

Jun 10, 2008

Matt's Graduation

(Matt receives his diploma)
(Aunt Dani and Celia)
(Grandpa Dan and Grandma Meg with Celia and Sam)
(L to R: Sue, John, me, Nita, Dan, Celia, Sam, Meg, Willie, Kathy, JP, Emily, and Danielle)
Last Friday Johnny, Sam, Celia and I made the L-O-N-G drive to Wisconsin for my brother's high school graduation. Both children were surprisingly terrific during the 12 hour ride; Samuel was Celia's keeper in the back seat. Graduation day was a steamy, sunny, back burner, but so much fun (everyone came home with pink cheeks and of course I forgot to lather up with sunscreen and sizzled my shoulders!).
          Meg and Dan met their grand-children and son-in-law and I met Dan's parents and two second cousins (from Lousiville, KY).  I am here to tell you that the food way up there in WI was NO JOKE. I seriously think that I gained 10 lbs.  Almost at any given time, someone was eating or cooking.  I did a whole lot of eating.  Good times!  

Jun 4, 2008

over half way there...

Celia is 7 months old today, five months until the big "1" and just two days before Samuel is officially a 5th grader.  I don't know why, but every time I try to get these two little sweeties together for a brother/sister photo shoot one of the two is out of focus or makes a strange face. So, here's another blurry photo. Don't be too hard on me. After all, I am a drained middle school art teacher counting the minutes until summer vacation!