Apr 30, 2009

Our Tree

This old tree is one of the many aspects of our home that I love. Our yard just wouldn't be the same without it. I dare guess its age, because it would take all of us holding hands to reach its circumference it. It is home to countless squirrels and birds and provides a nice 20 degree reprieve in mid summer. Each year I am thankful that it survives and hangs out another year to watch us all grow. Yes, I am a tree hugger!

ps...this is an HDR photo created by using Photomatix...

Apr 2, 2009

Cow pasture

During our last visit to Louisville, technology was not on my side. I set up my camera in a corner of the kitchen to capture a few hours of shots. My 8 gig card filled(way before I wanted it to) because I was so excited (or drank too much red wine) and forgot to change the capture format to JPEG. So, I pulled out the video camera. I ran out of tape. Twice. I was forced to use my RCA Small Wonder video camera, which basically produces web quality images. Finally, right around sunset I went out to the cow pasture to shoot the sky for some HDR images. My battery died. Well, maybe I was a little un-prepared. It's all okay. All's well that ends well (my favorite line lately). I guess I was meant to capture exactly what I did. Perfect moments. Cheers.