Jun 18, 2009
kitchen light
Yesterday my new lens arrived! I am in love, all over again! It is exactly what I've been wanting! And, after dinner I had the perfect opportunity to use it. Celia was in her high chair while I was washing the dinner dishes; when I turned around the light was amazing! It was naturally so lovely, and Celia was the perfect subject. She sat through 12 or so shots before she got a little ticked. I moved fast! Enjoy your light.
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Jun 16, 2009
You tell me...
Apple Pie Time
Whenever there is a break in school either fall, winter, spring, or summer I always load up on the perishables and other items that the cafeteria manager is giving away. This year I took home potatoes, apples, pretzels, pepper jack cheese, and carrots. Needless to say, Sam has been snacking on the cheese and pretzels, while the carrots are awaiting their doom as the main cake ingredient (shhh, for Father's Day) and the apples have already been used in an apple/blueberry/strawberry cobbler, and this delicious apple pie. I have to admit that I've been working on my crust for a while now. And, finally, I think I have arrived! I always use my grandmother's crust recipe but this time I added a few special ingredients. Also, I combine my mother-in-law's cobbler filling with my grandmother's. Oh My! It really is a perfect marriage of ingredients. I'd share the recipe, but I'm a little secretive about it right now. Happy eats to you, where ever you are!
They did it, again.
Yesterday Sam and I rescued this little bird from the torture of our cats (and dog!). We weren't quite sure what to do with it; so, after consulting the husband, we hoarded up all the cats inside and placed the bird under our neighbor's hosta. After a few hours at the pool we had one escapee cat. You know the end of the story. Celia had her first experience of death and John Paul dug the burial site hole (the 2nd or third). Sorry baby bird. We love cats.