Now, really, where did July go? I can't believe it's already August. Anyway, what have I been doing? Well, I made a pact with myself that this summer would be the time I'd start shooting film. So, that's exactly what I've done. I'm shooting 120 film with two holga cameras (one is a pinhole). These cameras are not the fancy, heavy slr cameras. They are cheap. They are light. And they are plastic. Most of all, they are so unpredictable and so much fun. I had forgotten the thrill of film. You remember, don't you? Loading the film. Taking the entire roll, how ever long that takes. Sending off your film for development and printing. Waiting. Waiting. And Waiting. Then finally, speeding to the pharmacy (or wherever) to get those pictures. Forking over the cash and making a mad dash to the car to peek (very quickly) at the pictures [pretending you are very patient and honest and that you would never look at those precious photos before you got home]. Well, that's it folks. That's the excitement I've been experiencing. Only my story is a little different. Let's say, I have a little more control. I develop the film in my kitchen (*fun*), and scan the negatives with a Nikon scanner and pull the images into Photoshop. Then after cropping, etc., they are little digital babies. And, I'm here to tell you that I'm an addict. So, if you are digging through your parents or grandparents attics and come across one of those "old skool" film cameras, do not just toss it in the garbage! Drag it out. Buy some film. Get excited. Slow down. Wait (even if you peek). And teach your children where photography has come from. Happiness!