Almost another year gone. December has been hectic with the two snow storms, band concert, making christmas banners for church, passing around a nasty head cold, report cards, and just the usual holiday season of parties, eating, and visiting with friends.
Celia made her first snowman (actually she helped make two). She was thrilled and it really took me back to my youth as well as when Sam experienced his first snow man making. I can hardly believe he is coming up on his 12th birthday in January! Time certainly flies! He is doing very, very well in school; which we are all so proud of. He is keeping all A's and an occasional B or even one stinking C. Overall his G.P.A is high, so we are pleased, for we realize that middle school is such a stressful, transitional time. Sam just handles it all so well and is improving with his trumpet playing skills. He looked so handsome and so grown up for his band concert! It made my heart swell and brought tears to my eyes to watch my little boy be so independent.
I've been busily making bright red banners (4.5' x 5.5') for our church. I threw out the timing on my sewing machine, which forced me to borrow one. When it rains, it pours, but it really proves the power of friendship. The banners were finished yesterday and a huge weight is lifted from my shoulders. I will hopefully be able to get some photos during or before the Christmas Eve service and post them.
Every single one of us have passed around the sneezing, coughing, runny nose/congestion, but thankfully we have not had the dreaded flu. I think we have all had some version of the cold twice and I'm now on round 3. We are becoming used to hand sanitizer and puffs plus all over the house!
Here's to a happy, healthy, and exciting holiday season. Eat all you can, the new year resolutions begin soon!