Yesterday we took a day trip to Louisville to visit my family. I finally met my nephew, Peyton, who I think resembles his cousin Sam very, very much. My heart just swells with love! Kiss, kiss, Guttermans!
Dec 29, 2008
Someone in Louisville Loves Me!
Yesterday we took a day trip to Louisville to visit my family. I finally met my nephew, Peyton, who I think resembles his cousin Sam very, very much. My heart just swells with love! Kiss, kiss, Guttermans!
Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas! Christmas 2008 has been one for the memory books! It all started the Sunday prior to Christmas with little Celia getting the dreaded stomach virus. We spent all of the upcoming Christmas days tending to the little one and not doing a darn bit of holiday preparation! Then, just one hour after the Christmas Eve family portrait, John Paul found himself overcome with the flu; we missed Christmas Eve service at church, where Sam was supposed to light the candles at the end of each pew. Then John Paul and I spent the next three days battling headache, body ache, and a real lack of appetite. What a time to despise food! Finally, on Christmas evening, Sam also completed the circle by contracting the virus. Even though none of us had the flu on our Christmas lists, Santa was very good to us all. Now, just a few hours before New Year's Eve and a bucket of bleach water later, we are all healthy and happy! Here's to you all a Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year!
Dec 6, 2008
Celia loves her Dolly
We found out this weekend that Celia is lovin' some Dolly Parton! Forgive this poor quality, I used my phone insead of risking missing the moment looking for my video camera. Enjoy!
Nov 30, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008

Happiness to all this Thanksgiving time! I truly feel blessed and am so very thankful for all that surrounds and is me. This Thanksgiving we feasted on a 21 lb. bird with giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, corn flake sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole (my favorite!), corn casserole, orange/cranberry salad, green beans, and a Turducken, which was a Turkey stuffed with a Chicken, stuffed with a duck, which was all stuffed with seafood jambalaya! My sister-in-law's boyfriend ordered that sucker from New Orleans. Our desserts included cranberry white chocolate tart, cheesecake with a layer of chocolate chips and a layer of pumpkin pie, and a pumpkin pie that the dog ate before we could even cut it! Oh, well, at least everyone was happy, including the dogs! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Nov 18, 2008
My little Illustrator
Tonight was Sam's little bit of fame and glory. His Iron Man drawing won the Young Illustrators Contest in all of Cabell County Schools (5th grade). First, his teacher, Mrs. Dale, chose his artwork to represent Southside Elementary. Then Sam's drawing competed against all of the other 5th grade winners in the county. Sam's won! He was honored at the Board of Education. They presented him with his drawing, which was framed, and gave him a little art set. The Superintendent shook his hand and every board member congratulated him. Way to go Sam! We are so very proud indeed.
snuggle bugs
If there's one thing that I know, it's that Sam and Celia are crazy about each other. The other day Sam looked at me and said, "Mommy, she's so pretty." He is such a proud big brother. Celia feels the same, I'm certain, because she sneaks into Sam's room any time she can and this time she crawled in bed with him to watch Sponge Bob. I think I nearly broke my neck trying to run downstairs to get the camera. And, what do you know? One of them is blurry. It never fails. Anyway, here's the moment that I thought was so adorable.
Nov 11, 2008
Love, Friends, new and old....
This past Saturday was a busy, busy day. Johnny and I went to the wedding of my co-worker and friend, Iris, who married Sam's math teacher! Then, I headed off to Ashland to see some gals that I haven't seen in a long time! I graduated with these gals, and I'm happy to say that nearly 15 years later we all still keep in touch. It might be only for weddings and babies, but at least we touch base every year or so. This occasion was for Dee Dee's upcoming wedding. Congrats Dee Dee. Love you all! Oh, we missed you, Nance!
Welcome Friends and Family!

I don't know if this spinning world landed just right, or what, but my dearest friend, Mary, finally met Meg! Wisconsin had a little extended weekend, so Meg and Emily made the 10 hour drive and stayed a couple of days with us. Mary drove in from D.C. for little Celia's birthday and it all happened at the same time. We're still turning pages in that great, big, book!
Happy 1st Birthday, Celia!
The time has come and passed. Celia is ONE! As it happened, her birthday fell on Election Day, so we were all out of school to help her celebrate. Even Daddy took off the day. Celia visited her pediatrician's office where she got two shots. *Yuk* I loathe shot times! Then we had lunch in Ashland where sneaky big brother Sam had the restaurant sing the Happy Birthday song to his sister and made Johnny and me cry! It was so endearing.
Celia questioned the whole birthday cake tradition! She was pretty apprehensive about "digging in" and getting chocolate everywhere, but really liked the whole house singing to her! She also loved her new Radio Flyer tricycle, even if she did fall off of it twice and landed a nice little pink egg on her forehead!
Happy Halloween!

Most of the time Trick-or-Treat sneaks up on me and I have to run around at the last minute making Sam's costume. Not this year! This time, I was ready. We wanted to make sure that Sam's murderous clown costume and Celia's little flower costume were just perfect. I sewed my fingers to the bones and Johnny made the huge sledge hammer, which had glittery "blood" on one end. Celia really didn't know what was happening as we passed spooks, princesses, warriors, and pillow case bandits on All Hallows Eve! All we know is that Sam's mask terrified her. The shot of them on the swing was a brief happy moment, that's for sure!
Oct 22, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Oct 9, 2008
the white gals...
Along with the subtle change of weather comes football season and Marshall tailgating. Here is Celia rooting on her Herd. One day, I'm convinced, Marshall will once again ROCK everyone's world and I'll be watching! The wait will have been all worth it. I might bleed blue but I love my green! WE ARE......
Fall is here!

Every Fall we have a banana spider that makes our garden home. We are all fascinated by the white zig-zag web and the spider's plump yellow and black body here at the White House. We wonder if it could possibly be the same spider or a near relative. Whatever the case, we watch her progress and catch of the day. This particular dinner must have been a bumble bee. mmmmm...bee.
Sep 19, 2008
funny girl
5th grade!

I am so embarrassed about how far behind I am with posts! This picture was taken early in the morning on Sam's first day of 5th grade! My little boy is on safety patrol every morning and every day after school. He rides his bike to school (yes, Mary, he IS using the snake bike lock!), has a little girlfriend named Laura, is playing soccer (of course) and has started fall baseball. Now if we could just master the responsibility of s-t-u-d-y-i-n-g, we would be GRRRREAT!
Cherish those weekend naps!
Home, where my thoughts escaping...
2 new friends
Sep 15, 2008
Family Time

Meg made it all the way from Wisconsin to hang out for a few days this summer. With her came my two sisters, Danielle and Emily. It was a moment of a lifetime when Meg met my parents and we were all in the same room together. That is certainly one of those times that you squeal for someone to pinch you!

This summer might have blown by for me, but at least I was able to enjoy some quality family time. Here is my cousin, Aree. This pose has been our usual for as long as I can remember. Every now and then we alternate who is throwing the leg.
Aug 4, 2008
Jul 30, 2008
Welcome Uli!

Johnny decided that yesterday was the day to bring home a sweet, little, 8 week old black lab. We drove way into nowhere Ohio to pick her out of the litter, which has to be one of the hardest things to do. I wish we could have taken them all! They were too adorable! Uli is a little spunky and a lot sweet, so she fits in quite well. Sam is head of heals for her, while Celia is warming up to the little black fuzz ball. It is so easy to love a puppy!