Tonight was Sam's little bit of fame and glory. His Iron Man drawing won the Young Illustrators Contest in all of Cabell County Schools (5th grade). First, his teacher, Mrs. Dale, chose his artwork to represent Southside Elementary. Then Sam's drawing competed against all of the other 5th grade winners in the county. Sam's won! He was honored at the Board of Education. They presented him with his drawing, which was framed, and gave him a little art set. The Superintendent shook his hand and every board member congratulated him. Way to go Sam! We are so very proud indeed.
Nov 18, 2008
My little Illustrator
Tonight was Sam's little bit of fame and glory. His Iron Man drawing won the Young Illustrators Contest in all of Cabell County Schools (5th grade). First, his teacher, Mrs. Dale, chose his artwork to represent Southside Elementary. Then Sam's drawing competed against all of the other 5th grade winners in the county. Sam's won! He was honored at the Board of Education. They presented him with his drawing, which was framed, and gave him a little art set. The Superintendent shook his hand and every board member congratulated him. Way to go Sam! We are so very proud indeed.
YAY!!!! congradulations Samuel, thats so awesome!! you definitley draw better than me!! Zak and I think your picture is awesome!! and we hope to see you soon!! we love u!! love, Auntie Danielle, and Zak
Nice work, Sam! That's very cool indeed.
Good artists seem to run in the family...
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