Happiness to all this Thanksgiving time! I truly feel blessed and am so very thankful for all that surrounds and is me. This Thanksgiving we feasted on a 21 lb. bird with giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, corn flake sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole (my favorite!), corn casserole, orange/cranberry salad, green beans, and a Turducken, which was a Turkey stuffed with a Chicken, stuffed with a duck, which was all stuffed with seafood jambalaya! My sister-in-law's boyfriend ordered that sucker from New Orleans. Our desserts included cranberry white chocolate tart, cheesecake with a layer of chocolate chips and a layer of pumpkin pie, and a pumpkin pie that the dog ate before we could even cut it! Oh, well, at least everyone was happy, including the dogs! Happy Thanksgiving to you!