Sep 19, 2008

funny girl

What hilarious moments we have at home! This one was a hoot; Sam put Celia's little bloomers on her head. Even though I don't think Celia knew what was happening to her, we enjoyed a good chuckle.

5th grade!

I am so embarrassed about how far behind I am with posts! This picture was taken early in the morning on Sam's first day of 5th grade! My little boy is on safety patrol every morning and every day after school. He rides his bike to school (yes, Mary, he IS using the snake bike lock!), has a little girlfriend named Laura, is playing soccer (of course) and has started fall baseball. Now if we could just master the responsibility of s-t-u-d-y-i-n-g, we would be GRRRREAT!

Cherish those weekend naps!

This photos completely sums up why I love weekends! Lately, sleep has been my favorite place to go! Sometimes a good nap can cure my little world of all worries! This moment was too sweet not to capture.

Home, where my thoughts escaping...

Oh, I love you, Jonny K!
Don't we look so good together? I was so thrilled to hang out with my brother this summer, especially during a UK/UofL game! I still bleed blue!!!! Go Cats!

2 new friends

Well, maybe these two new little friends in Celia's mouth are the reason that I haven't been diligent in posting on our blog lately! Along with their arrival has come little sleep, less eating, and more crying! Still, I am happy to announce that Celia has crossed another milestone. Yippe for teeth!

Sep 15, 2008

Family Time

Meg made it all the way from Wisconsin to hang out for a few days this summer. With her came my two sisters, Danielle and Emily. It was a moment of a lifetime when Meg met my parents and we were all in the same room together. That is certainly one of those times that you squeal for someone to pinch you!

This summer might have blown by for me, but at least I was able to enjoy some quality family time. Here is my cousin, Aree. This pose has been our usual for as long as I can remember. Every now and then we alternate who is throwing the leg.