Oct 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

For a twist on the traditional Anniversary celebration, JP and I took to the mountains with the kids and dog! We went to my very favorite place at the New River. This view is IT for me. It was a perfect weekend with perfect weather. This is my Life is GOOD shot for the season!

Oct 9, 2008

the white gals...

Seriously, I can hardly believe that Celia will be 1 on Nov. 4th! Time flies! No wonder Dali painted those clocks slipping away.....


Along with the subtle change of weather comes football season and Marshall tailgating. Here is Celia rooting on her Herd. One day, I'm convinced, Marshall will once again ROCK everyone's world and I'll be watching! The wait will have been all worth it. I might bleed blue but I love my green! WE ARE......

Fall is here!

Every Fall we have a banana spider that makes our garden home. We are all fascinated by the white zig-zag web and the spider's plump yellow and black body here at the White House. We wonder if it could possibly be the same spider or a near relative. Whatever the case, we watch her progress and catch of the day. This particular dinner must have been a bumble bee. mmmmm...bee.