Feb 22, 2008


For those of you that don't already know, I contacted my biological mother in January.  Her name is Meg and she lives in Wisconsin.  I can't really explain how marvelous the past month has been!  Meg and I have been emailing one another and we try to talk on the phone once a week.  I finally know half of the family history that has been a huge question mark all of my life, and to be honest, I didn't realize how much I would cherish my genealogy.  As it is, though, I am obsessed with knowing more.  Thankfully, Meg is incredibly honest and 100% supportive.  I couldn't have dreamed her to be any more right for me. She has filled a void that wasn't even conscious to me and I can only look forward to the day that I get to wrap my arms around her.  I also, can hardly wait to meet my siblings! I was raised an only child and always dreamed of having brothers and sisters.  I now have 2 half-sisters, one half-brother and one adopted brother who is actually my first cousin!  Life can be so interesting and I think it is so wonderful that humans have such a capacity to love.  

This year I got my first birthday card from my mom!  How many adults can say that?  Also, Meg surprised me on Valentine's Day; she sent beautiful flowers to my work.  This photo shows one of the yellow lilies from those flowers.  Thank you, Meg.  I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's so wonderful, terri! How very exciting.