Nov 10, 2009

NY in the fall

Finger Piers, Canandaigua, NY

Finger Piers, Canandaigua, NY

blanket flowers, Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, Montezuma, NY

Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY

I went to central New York the first week of October. I was part of a photography workshop that began with sunrise each morning and ended well past sunset each night. Needless to say, I was extremely exhausted each day. During the trip, I saw many, many central NY waterfalls and other incredibly lovely places in Syracuse, Auburn, Ithaca, Canandaigua, etc. With over 2,000 photos, it's a daunting task of sorting and choosing my favorites. I hope to gather a few images for a book and I'll post some along the way.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I recognize many of these places. Did you see the eagles in Montezuma? They have their nests on the tall electic lines on Rt. 5 and 20. My mom lives in Geneva and we travel often back and forth to Syracuse.